Australian News
Australian Newspaper
Australia is a sovereign country of Oceania whose form of government is the constitutional federal parliamentary monarchy. The closest countries to Australia are: Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the northeast and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world with an area of 7 741 220 km².1 Its capital is Canberra. The country's population in 2011 was about 21.5 million, mainly concentrated in the large coastal cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.In the conventional division on the continents, Australia is included in Oceania, which also includes the Pacific islands.
Largest cities in Australia
1°- Sídney 2°- Melbourne
3°- Brisbane 4°- Perth
5°- Adelaida 6°-Gold_Coast
7°- Newcastle 8°- Canberra
9°- Wollongong 10°- Sunshine Coast